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Teen Sex

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Teen Sex Empty Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:58 am

What is your opinion on people between the age of 13 -19 having sex? should they? should the not? are there rules? reasons? criteria? just spill out your mind to us!!!!

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:13 am

16 and older should be able to as long as they use protection and have mutual consent...

now let me clarify there is a deference between being able to do something and actually doing it but hay if their willing to live with the possible consequences i say let em rip and let and let God (Buddha or whatever patron deity u so chose) sort out the good form the bad...

damn i sound like a cold hearted bastard
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
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Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by ManzanitaGrove Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:09 pm

*tries to gather up the brains that fell out*
Thank you, but I think I'll pass on the "spilling the mind" bit....

Actually I agree with the above.
There are incredible mature people at age 16 that know what they are doing and should be able. And age tends to not have a lot to do with whether people learn anything. What I meant is that there are people who are like 40 and still to "young" to have sex. And there is no way to test so you might as well let people have sex once they are physically able.

(Once it becomes a sign of being an adult, all the kids are going to do it for their own perverse reasons.)

Number of posts : 68
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Registration date : 2008-01-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:45 pm

so teens having sex is ok with proper usage? even tho condoms are only 80% safe and DO NOT protect against any other STDS other than HIV? which for the record is not the number one STD killer. HPV has taken over. plus maturity as defined does not end til 25. how do you mark someone as mature?

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:37 am

okay so temporally ignoring emotional impacts (BTW ManzanitaGrove that was magnificently put I give my complete praise) (and I almost never give it so it really is say something for me to do this (I can be a wee bit critical of stuff))

Yes it's fine as long as they know this risks ahead of time.
as for condoms 80% birth control pills 90 % (i think) both slightly over 99% effectiveness. contraption device damn near perfect safety. as for STD's they knew the risk let's just call severely cruel case of Darwinism at work...

is this fair hell no but neither is life...
on flip side if the said people wait 4 years till the 20 and then have sex the STD is still gonna get transmitted so really we are talking about delaying the

Damn I'm cold today
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
Age : 35
Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Sun Apr 27, 2008 1:40 am

thats only ifthe relationship is still intact too

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:09 pm

Why Sinkain are you suggesting that they may only be having sex out some momentary flare.
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
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Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:10 pm

instant gratification is always on high demand. just look around we want more and we want it quicker.

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty I must have had too much time.....

Post by ManzanitaGrove Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:09 pm

Sinkain wrote:"so teens having sex is ok with proper usage?" ........" plus maturity as defined does not end til 25. how do you mark someone as mature?"

Of course. ...............
My point exactly. You can't decide based on age if someone is mature.

Sinkain's Shadow wrote:okay so temporally ignoring emotional impacts (BTW ManzanitaGrove that was magnificently put I give my complete praise) (and I almost never give it so it really is say something for me to do this (I can be a wee bit critical of stuff))

Yes it's fine as long as they know this risks ahead of time.
as for condoms 80% birth control pills 90 % (i think) both slightly over 99% effectiveness. contraption device damn near perfect safety. as for STD's they knew the risk let's just call severely cruel case of Darwinism at work...

is this fair hell no but neither is life...
on flip side if the said people wait 4 years till the 20 and then have sex the STD is still gonna get transmitted so really we are talking about delaying the

Damn I'm cold today

Thanks for the compliment. I had noticed the critical bit, but I happen to think people ought to be more critical. :]
@the Darwinism part: Ouch. Sad, but probably true. On a side note: Is it just me or is the intelligence disappearing? (Ha ha, no but seriously think about it) The smart people who go to all the strong colleges and actually know what they are doing *tend to* not have many children. Where as the uneducated *tend to* end up having more, say around three or four. (This doesn't mean 'smart people' have less children, just that the majority of 'smart people' (I really hate saying smart people, its such a bad stereotype) have less children than the majority of not-so-smart people) I'm hoping that this means we aren't devolving, just heading toward a hive mind of some sort. But maybe thats just me and my science fiction. x] -end of side essay-

@the flip side part: Agreed now that I think about it.

Sinkain wrote:
instant gratification is always on high demand. just look around we want more and we want it quicker.

Just who is this 'we?' *edges away*
But yes, that is the way the population is mostly. And in some ways it is not a bad thing unless it overflows into things is shouldn't, like when making major decision that will drastically affect your life.
*points to a car salesman* Ever wonder why they never really know what they are talking about? And don't advertise by telling what the car's good and bad qualities? People just buy based on what people tell them instead of taking the time to find out anything. Even if the person is obviously not going to do anything in their best interest.

*laughs* I'm getting really off topic, but I have some gripes that I have been wanting to hear other people's opinions on for a long time.

Last edited by ManzanitaGrove on Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : working with quotes)

Number of posts : 68
Age : 111
Location : In front of the computer! ;D
Registration date : 2008-01-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:17 am

no you make wonderful valid points! (I love this!!!!!)
and i stated we as anew generation b/c we do get it faster. sad aint it? poor is no longer the same poor rich is super rich and sex is a game. so what are consequences? HANDBALL! RED CARD! FOUL!!!! here habve a baby too. inst this 'plastic' age grand?

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Fri May 02, 2008 7:50 pm


interesting metaphor.....
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
Age : 35
Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by ManzanitaGrove Fri May 02, 2008 11:25 pm

Well, glad you love this. xD
And, (not sure I understood) but this plastic age is pretty bad. People waste their time/money on the most senseless things.

Again, there are good sides: We can get and demand faster communication. We have better conditions and medicines. Sex is now an option with less consequences.....

Unfortunately we become too "busy" to actually use and find good information anymore. Medicines are controlled and horribly high priced, and the responsibility attached to sex is practically eliminated.

(But I'm not complaining as much about the abilities we have now, but the way they are horrendously misused. That and my spelling has gotten to be abysmal (you can't tell because Firefox puts all the nice little red underlines beneath the misspelled words and I can correct them with 2 clicks.))

Number of posts : 68
Age : 111
Location : In front of the computer! ;D
Registration date : 2008-01-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Wed May 07, 2008 3:17 pm

heh truth on all the above manzanitagrove (should I call you manzanita or grove or something else cause your full name is a wee bit triksy)
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
Age : 35
Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by ManzanitaGrove Wed May 07, 2008 11:31 pm

anything goes.

A few of the ones other people have thought of:
Grove, Zanita, Manza, Zani.....
I call my self Zani the most.

Number of posts : 68
Age : 111
Location : In front of the computer! ;D
Registration date : 2008-01-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain Thu May 08, 2008 4:25 am

ill just call u man

Number of posts : 141
Age : 34
Location : ATL, GA
Registration date : 2008-04-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by ManzanitaGrove Sat May 10, 2008 12:20 am

That works just fine.

Number of posts : 68
Age : 111
Location : In front of the computer! ;D
Registration date : 2008-01-22

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Teen Sex Empty Re: Teen Sex

Post by Sinkain's Shadow Sun May 11, 2008 8:15 pm

Guess that means I'll be calling you Zani

(and no it's not just to be contrary to Sinkain that's just an added bonus)
Sinkain's Shadow
Sinkain's Shadow

Number of posts : 114
Age : 35
Location : In the Shadows of my time
Registration date : 2008-04-25

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